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Surgery Tools
Schedule 3 Proceudres

Schedule 3 is a confusing area within the Veterinary Surgeons Act that both nurses and vets can often struggle to understand. Basically it is a rough outline of surgical procedures that veterinary nurses are legally allowed to perform under veterinary surgeon supervision. This can include things such as suturing minor wounds, non-complex lump removals, tail, ear, and digit amputations. This also extends to procedures that we frequently perform, such as injections and cannula placement. These video guides are here to help you visualise and understand what is involved in some procedures you may not have done before, as well as a refresher for things you may not have done for a while.


All Schedule 3 procedures should be done under guidance of your veterinary surgeon. These videos are a reference guide only.

Local Line blocks

Local line blocks are a really useful and easy addition to any surgery. They can provide localised analgesia for incision sites and reduce post operative interference due to pain. 


  • ​Using an appropriate syringe, draw up 1-2mg/kg bupivicaine (MAX 1mg/kg in felines) and place a small gauge needle (25G) on the end.

  • Ensure the skin has been cleaned effectively using surgical scrub (e.g. Hibiscrub at a 50:50 dilution).

  • Introduce the needle, bevel up, just into the skin at a 45 degree angle.

  • Once the bevel is in, flatten the needle and syringe to the skin and continue to introduce the needle just under the skin for the length of the needle (we are aiming for the local to be delivered into an intradermal depth).

  • Pull back on the plunger to ensure that there the needle is not in a vessel then gently introduce a small amount of local.

  • The skin should "bubble up" slightly as the fluid is introduced.

  • Withdraw the needle slightly and repeat the previous two steps.

  • Continue this until the needle is out of the skin.

  • Give the skin another light scrub and it is now blocked and ready to go!


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